Implement energy management solutions, one project at a time.

Accelerate Energy Management Practice for the Corporations, Businesses, Institutions and the Public.

Simple Solutions, Common Sense, next-step focus, all in alignment with your long-term objective.

Cathy Zheng

Cathy Zheng, MBA, P.Eng., CEM, CMVP

Engineering Manager

CZ Consulting is an independent engineering consulting company based in Markham, Ontario. We combine the most advanced experience in the energy field with innovative engineering project management skills to provide turn-key energy management solutions to our clients. We also work with an impressive group of specialists in power, gas and water to provide the most efficient solutions that fits your budget while meeting your expectations.

Key Highlights

  • Director of Outreach, StepUp, 2019-2020
  • Executive Master of Business Administration Degree, Rotman School of Management, graduated in 2019
  • Sr. Energy Account Manager, VIP Energy Services, 2019-2020
    Managed a portfolio of accounts by suggesting and assisting to implement energy management measures and projects for school boards, hospitals, municipal and commercial clients.
  • Conservation Account Manager, CLEAResult, 2016-2019
    Re-built Hydro One’s conservation demand management program in the Northeast and Northwest Ontario regions. Significantly expanded customer service coverage and increased the participation rate.
  • Energy Management Engineer, CLEAResult, 2013-2016
    Setup the capacity screening procedure for combined heat & power, and waste energy recovery projects. Leading energy efficiency solution services for water and sewage treatment facilities. Coached customer reps, engineers and contractors to properly benchmark existing electricity usage, and apply proper kWh savings assessment methodologies to fast-track engineering study and project funding approvals.
  • Project Management Engineer, S.Burnett & Associates Limited, 2010-2013
    Strategy, management and delivery of engineering projects. Managed projects include: 5MW ground-mount solar facility, water and wastewater infrastructure upgrade, construction tendering and administration, municipal environmental assessment, renewable energy feasibility studies.
  • Environmental Engineer, GEA Engineering PC, 2007-2010
  • Chemical Engineering Bachelor Degree, University of Toronto, graduated in 2007
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